Friday, January 8, 2010

Why Does Alabama Have A 12 Why Does Alabama Feel The Need To Have A Ban On Adult Toys?

Why does Alabama feel the need to have a ban on adult toys? - why does alabama have a 12

I think I need to toys for the pleasure of state borders, if they play their lotteries and casinos to buy.


snozzber... said...

Because we live in a state that the Bible is too busy to fight, "to grow"

So we've stooooopid no lottery and all our money goes to other states do.

{h a r u k a} said...

Wow, did not they know? I can not believe I did not. Yes, I remember that I ever move to Alabama! It's a stupid rule of force in people's lives. If it you feel better when my generation has grown up and take possession, this is not generally available. Because my generation do not give a shit if you use sex toys.

icarus62 said...

If this is true, then it is probably because the people who wrote the law had nothing better to fantasize about the sex lives of others. They are clearly perverse. Why, if so deeply fascinated and what the privacy of the bedroom of the other parties?

Grillpar... said...

The thick, white, male Christian legislators to protect themselves. Is not that the only reason why it on until after the Supreme Court of the United States, would be against the potential risks of vibrators guard refugee.

marciain... said...

I agree with the prohibition of masturbation toy, but PPL tend to replace one sin with another. So, if I let you choose instead of the perverts their toys of children.

Seventoe... said...

Just another form of government to control people. I bet it is a religious organization that has pushed for the law.

dashoota... said...

Because your past is the money flowing "directly Down and Dirty '' area. And is not Alabama, the lowest in the United States declares that it is safe.

Nɑɫïvє♀ said...

Is that true?
That's crazy!

got percs said...

Wow, I never heard of that.

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