Thursday, February 18, 2010

Symptoms Of Ear Infection In 7 Month Infant What Are Some Symptoms Of Ear Infections In Infants?

What are some symptoms of ear infections in infants? - symptoms of ear infection in 7 month infant

My son is almost 7 months and had an ear infection so far (about 2 months). He pulled his left ear in those days, and rubbed his face much more than usual. When he had no previous infection symptoms, the pediatrician took a double ear infection during his visit, and they put on antibiotics. no fever or restless. He's teething problems now and I've heard that often causes ear infections, childhood illnesses, because I am a little worried. His visit is a week to week from today, obviously, if it gets worse call the pediatrician and schedule an appointment.


yelobird... said...

Sounds like he probably has an ear infection. With extraction of teeth and ears, is very likely.

Personally, I would call the doc and see if you can get at any time before the deadline. This is just one of those things that I do not like to repel more time than I should.

sweetie said...

Common symptoms include fever, pulling the excavation in the ear sounds like he has an ear infection luck

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